C193-MI Led display of ISA sequence alarm control unit with integrated light signalling
The C193-MI alarm units, intended for front panel mounting, are made of standard anodised aluminium rack with integrated high brightness LED light signalling and are intended to be equipped with:
- 10 removable alarm cards type SI10 (10 points for each card), for a maximum of 100 alarm points.
- 5 removable alarm cards type SI10 (10 points for each card), for a maximum of 50 alarm points.
- 3 removable alarm cards type SI10 (10 points for each card), for a maximum of 30 alarm points.
- 1 SCI10 horn and flash card, common for the 3 versions, complete with AQ-PS-SL buttons depending on the sequence and a contact for acoustic signal command with maximum absorption of 10W/15VA.
- Light signalling of the alarm on the front of the board by means of high-brightness red LEDs.
- Words that can be made on cardboard with protection by means of transparent adhesive film. Available space 8×20 mm.